Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Even Hummingbirds get thirsty

Just some random photos. Lilies are looking great and the Iris are starting to bloom. The dogs have started noticed that there are things moving in the water. The Lotus have started to put pads above the water. Probably no blooms this year though.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Random Photos

Just about finished with landscaping. These are just some random photos of the pond and critters.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Turtle out of his Shell

The turtle must have been hungry, because he was pretty brave today. hanging out right in front of me eating.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Jay and Aliza

Jay and Aliza visiting the pond. Aliza gets really exited to see the fish.

The sharks seem happy. It's cool to see them grazing together like cows.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Fish - Chinese High Fin Shark

Just got a couple of new fish. They are called Chinese High Fin Sharks. They are an algae eater that will eventually get to over 2 feet long with a huge dorsal fin and live for 15 years. Pretty stoked.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Mini Deck

I had an epiphany last night about what to do with a bunch of scrap redwood left over from the bridge. I built a mini deck that's great for feeding the fish.

Lotus Day 9, the pads are getting larger and the second pad is almost to the surface.

Oh and the Panama Pacific bloomed again, stunning.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

First Lotus Pad

Two of the lotus have opened their first pad and another one is on it's way.

Also, had a Red DragonFly visit today.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Double Lily Bloom

One of the original Lilies bloomed today with two flowers.

Day 7 on the Lotus. One of the three that sprouted has started to unfold it's first leaf. The other two are very close to opening theirs. The fourth is still swelling and hasn't sprouted yet.

Also, found that the tubing to the fountain was kinked and preventing it from spitting. I originally thought there wasn't enough pressure left after the waterfalls and venturies. I ran a second pump and still no spitting, so I move the birds off the stand and saw the kinked tubing underneath. I connected it back to the main system and now it works.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lilies are Blooming

The Lotus continue to grow. On day 4, I transplanted 3 of them to the pond as the were already 4 inches long.
The Panama Pacific is blooming and if you look through the algea, you'll see the turtle looking on in approvement.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Building Bog Begins

Completed the larger Bog this weekend. Finally got all the plants out of the temporary tubs and into the mud. Let's hope they grow.

I also bought some lotus seeds to see how they handle the Arizona Heat. One has file a notch into the hard shell and then soak them in water before they sprout. The picture shows the seeds have swelled after two days of soaking.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New fish and Landscaping continues

I added a few more plants thanks to Jon and Aimee and family. I bought a Sir Galahad and a four leaf clover. I also bought a Panama Pacific Lily and some little Koi. I'm up to 8 fish now.
The work on the upper falls continues. It's a slow process picking out just the right size rock to fit.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The water is in and the fish are happy

The pond is within a few inches of being full, but I held off to motar some of the rocks. According to the water meter at the street, it was just a little over 3000 gallons.
I mortared a few of the river rock to define the smaller bog and moved a few plants there.
Kailee and Dylan came over and help me move the fish and turles from their 2x2 tub to the new 28x8 tub. I swear I saw the little fish panting as they were trying to swim from one end to the other. You can see the little ones in the photo with the big fish. The large one is about 12 inches lond and the little ones are about one inch long.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Boulders Work Completed - Oh my aching everything.

My friend Roland came over and helped me place the last few boulder and move the fountain onto the stand. Which by the way, weigh more than some of the boulders.
I also finished all the plumbing this week end. I'll be ready for water, once I motar the rocks in place.
I included a photo on how we were able to move the bolders without breaking the wheel barrel again. We used an engine hoist and strap to pick them up and set them gently into the wheel barrel or flat cart, as the real big ones didn't fit into the wheel barrel. It was tons (no pun intended) easier than laying the wheel barrel on its side and trying to right it after rolling the boulder into it.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Rock and Pets

Five tons of rock down 5 more to go. I've used all the 3/4 rock going around the pond and started putting down the larger Rip Rap around the sloping areas.
My friend Roland stopped by and I enlisted him to help move a few large boulders.
I also pick up a few critters. The two turtles were free and I bought the Fire-Belly toads from the gift certificate from Jay and his family.