Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Turtle out of his Shell

The turtle must have been hungry, because he was pretty brave today. hanging out right in front of me eating.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Jay and Aliza

Jay and Aliza visiting the pond. Aliza gets really exited to see the fish.

The sharks seem happy. It's cool to see them grazing together like cows.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Fish - Chinese High Fin Shark

Just got a couple of new fish. They are called Chinese High Fin Sharks. They are an algae eater that will eventually get to over 2 feet long with a huge dorsal fin and live for 15 years. Pretty stoked.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Mini Deck

I had an epiphany last night about what to do with a bunch of scrap redwood left over from the bridge. I built a mini deck that's great for feeding the fish.

Lotus Day 9, the pads are getting larger and the second pad is almost to the surface.

Oh and the Panama Pacific bloomed again, stunning.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

First Lotus Pad

Two of the lotus have opened their first pad and another one is on it's way.

Also, had a Red DragonFly visit today.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Double Lily Bloom

One of the original Lilies bloomed today with two flowers.

Day 7 on the Lotus. One of the three that sprouted has started to unfold it's first leaf. The other two are very close to opening theirs. The fourth is still swelling and hasn't sprouted yet.

Also, found that the tubing to the fountain was kinked and preventing it from spitting. I originally thought there wasn't enough pressure left after the waterfalls and venturies. I ran a second pump and still no spitting, so I move the birds off the stand and saw the kinked tubing underneath. I connected it back to the main system and now it works.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lilies are Blooming

The Lotus continue to grow. On day 4, I transplanted 3 of them to the pond as the were already 4 inches long.
The Panama Pacific is blooming and if you look through the algea, you'll see the turtle looking on in approvement.